Important Dates
Jun 1, 2008: Deadline for Abstract submission
Jun 4, 2008: Deadline for Student Travel Grants application
Jul 24, 2008: Deadline for Early Registration Fee payment
Jul 25, 2008: Late Registration Fee payment
Aug 17, 2008: Banquet Dinner Cruise on Lake Michigan
Aug 19, 2008: SDSS Collaboration Meeting @ the University of Chicago
Registration Fees and Deadlines
Early registration is $350 paid by July 24, 2008
Student registration is $250 paid by July 24, 2008
Late registration for all is $400 starting July 25, 2008
Additional adult banquet tickets are $85 each
On-line fee payment by credit card can be made at the kicp-ecommerce
Over eight years of observations, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-I, 2000 - 2005; SDSS-II, 2005 - 2008) has transformed many fields of astronomy, from the identification of asteroid families to the discovery of the most distant quasars, from substructure in the outer Galaxy to the large-scale structure of the Universe.
This broad-ranging symposium will review progress and prospects in these fields, including observational contributions from the SDSS and from other major surveys, theoretical interpretation of the results, and plans for the next generation of large astronomical survey projects. The program will include invited reviews, contributed talks, posters, and a symposium banquet on a cruise boat on Lake Michigan.
The symposium will take place in downtown Chicago at the historic Merchandise Mart Conference Center (2nd Floor), 350 West Mart Center Drive, Chicago IL 60654.
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Registration for the SDSS Symposium is nearing capacity, and new registrations may be added to a waitlist. Also note that if you have
registered but not yet paid, the deadline for early registration is July 24, 2008. Confirmed registrants and those coming to the SDSS Collaboration meeting on Tuesday, August 19, 2008, should go to the kicp-ecommerce site to pay. |
To register for the symposium, please visit the Registration page.
On-line fee payment by credit card can be made at the kicp-ecommerce.
Early registration fee is $350 paid by July 24, 2008.
Student registration fee is $250 paid by July 24, 2008.
Late registration fee for all is $400 starting July 25, 2008.
Additional adult banquet tickets are $85 each (all registered participants will receive one banquet ticket).
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June 1, 2008 | Deadline for Abstract submission |
June 4, 2008 | Deadline for Student Travel Grants application |
July 24, 2008 | Deadline for Early Registration Fee payment |
July 25, 2008 | Late Registration Fee payment |
August 17, 2008 | Banquet Dinner Cruise on Lake Michigan |
August 19, 2008 | SDSS Collaboration Meeting @ the University of Chicago |
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